[hal-04608181] Centennial fertilization‐induced soil processes control contemporary soil geochemistry. Lessons from a long‐term bare fallow experiment
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 11 Jun 2024
[hal-02652685] The impact of redox conditions on the rare earth element signature of redoximorphic features in a soil sequence developed from limestone
Redox processes, which are widespread in soils, need to be quantified for an improved comprehension of the dynamics of Fe- and Mn-oxides and their associated trace elements. The classical methodology used to study these redox processes generally relies on the quantification of all mineral species in the various pedological features that can be related to different redox stages. However, this approach usually encounters the difficulty of precisely quantifying the different forms of poorly crystallised Fe- and Mn-oxides. In this study, we use the signature of rare earth elements (REEs) to visualise and, eventually, quantify the importance of redox processes in soils. Our approach relies on that developed by Laveuf et al. (2008) and the idea that the relative contribution to the mobilisation of REEs that is made by the primary minerals reactive to redox conditions depends on the following factors: (i) their initial proportion in the different pedological features that can be related to various redox processes, (ii) their relative mobilisation during the redox process in question, and (iii) their initial REE signatures. The catena studied is characterised by two stages of redox conditions: the first is related to the formation and subsequent dissolution of Fe–Mn concretions, and the second is related to the bleaching of the soil matrix due to morphological degradation. In this soil, the main minerals reactive to redox conditions are Mn-oxides, ferrihydrite, goethite and (fluor)apatite. The results indicate that the primary redox conditions can be characterised by a positive Ce anomaly on the REE pattern, which has been attributed to a preferential immobilisation of this element, due to its association with Mn-oxides. The results also indicate that the secondary redox conditions can be characterised by depletion in medium REEs (MREEs) in the REE pattern, which has been attributed to a preferential release of these elements during the dissolution of (fluor)apatite and, to a lesser extent, of ferrihydrite. These results emphasise the potential of REE signatures of the visualisation of the various redox processes that have been active in a soil. Additionally, REE signatures are a proxy of the frequency and intensity of the redox conditions. Highlights ► Identification of redoximorphic features. ► Speciation of rare earth elements in redoximorphic features. ► Impact of redox conditions on rare earth mobilization. ► Interpretation of changes in speciation and of fractionations. ► Use of rare earth elements as tracers of redox processes.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Cédric Laveuf) 29 May 2020
[hal-03641108] Assessment of an NDL-PCBs Sequestration Strategy in Soil Using Contrasted Carbonaceous Materials through In Vitro and Cucurbita pepo Assays
Featured Application A sequestration-based remediation strategy using several types of carbonaceous amendments and its potential to reduce transfer to plants. The present study aims to assess the respective efficiency of Biochars (BCs) and activated carbons (ACs) to limit PCB 101, 138, 153 and 180 transfer to plants. A set of 6 high carbon materials comprising 3 BCs and 3 ACs was tested and used to amend a soil at 2% rate. Then, the two most efficient carbonaceous materials were used as an amendment of an historically contaminated soil sampled in the St Cyprien vicinity (Loire, France). An environmental availability assessment was performed using the ISO/DIS 16751 Part A assay (n = 3). For the in vivo part, Cucurbita pepo were grown for 12 weeks. Significant decreases of transfer were found for both assays notably for powdered ACs (up to 98%). By contrast, significantly lower levels of transfer reduction were observed when BCs amendments were performed, ranging from 27 to 80% for environmental availability assessment and 0 to 36% for C. pepo. Reduction factors above 90% for the 2 selected materials were found from amended historically contaminated soils. Present results led to consider such a sequestering strategy as valuable to ensure plant production on non-dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (NDL-PCBs) contaminated soils.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Séverine Piutti) 14 Apr 2022
[hal-02669169] Evolution du pH et de la CEC de sols du Nord de la France en fonction des doses de chaulage (CaCO3). Influence du carbone organique
L`évolution du statut acido-basique de 35 sols agricoles du Nord de la France consécutive à des apports de carbonate de calcium a été étudiée. Les données utilisées proviennent d`essais réalisés en laboratoire et de mesures effectuées après une période d`incubation de deux mois. On montre que la détermination du carbone minéral solubilisé dans des extraits de sol en présence d`oxalate d`ammonium permet de détecter de faibles quantités de carbonate de calcium, inaccessibles aux méthodes de détermination volumétriques classiques à moins d`aménagements drastiques. Tant que la phase calcaire n`est pas en excès, l`augmentation du pH est reliée aux quantités de carbonate de calcium apportées par une relation qui pour être applicable à l`ensemble des sols examinés, ne fait intervenir que leurs seules teneurs en carbone organique selon : pH = pH0 + (10/[C]).[CaCO3]ajouté. Une autre relation est mise en évidence pour décrire les variations de la capacité d`échange cationique (CEC) en fonction de celles du pH. Elle conduit à un modèle proche de celui proposé précédemment pour estimer les quantités de carbonate de calcium nécessaires pour amener le pH des types de sols étudiés à une valeur donnée.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Henri H. Ciesielski) 31 May 2020
[hal-04162098] Intérêt de la normalisation de méthodes pour la recherche publique et la société
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Christian Mougin) 14 Jul 2023
[hal-01461150] Réseau PRO : Création d'un réseau d'essais au champ et d'un outil de mutualisation des données pour l'étude de la valeur agronomique et des impacts environnementaux des Produits Résiduaires Organiques recyclés en agriculture
Le projet « Réseau PRO » (2011-2014) a permis la constitution d’un réseau national d’essais étudiant les effets des épandages agricoles de produits résiduaires organiques (PRO) dans des situations agropédo-climatiques très différentes et pour une grande diversité de PRO épandus. Ce réseau visait d’une part, à harmoniser les méthodes d’étude et de suivi des effets des PRO épandus au champ, et d’autre part à mutualiser les données acquises sur une grande diversité d’essais au champ. Ont ainsi été élaborés : un inventaire de 437 essais étudiant les PRO en France, un guide méthodologique opérationnel de conduite d’essai de plein champ sur les PRO, une méthode de référencement des PRO et une première ébauche de nomenclature, et un système d’information commun au Réseau PRO et au SOERE PRO. Par ailleurs, les données recueillies ont permis d’améliorer le paramétrage des outils développés au sein du RMT Fertilisation & Environnement (outils de diagnostic environnemental et de gestion de la fertilisation et du statut organique des sols). Enfin, l’analyse critique des jeux de données mutualisés a donné lieu à des recommandations pour les futurs essais.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (M. Heurtaux) 27 May 2020
[hal-02785832] Mise au point de modèles chimiométriques pour la caractérisation de sols à partir de mesures spectrales PIR effectuées au laboratoire et au champ
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Bernard Barthès) 05 Jun 2020
[hal-02790229] Inter-calibration de spectromètres NIRS pour la prédiction du Carbone et de l’Azote dans les sols
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Bernard Barthès) 05 Jun 2020
[hal-02790190] Mise au point de modèles chimiométriques pour la caractérisation de sols à partir de mesures spectrales PIR effectuées au laboratoire et au champ
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Bernard Barthès) 05 Jun 2020
[cea-02632508] En direct de l’essai patrimonial des 42 parcelles d’INRAE à Versailles : impacts de fertilisations centenaires en profondeur du NEOLUVISOL de lœss
Après l’étude d’évolutions pédologiques et géochimiques dans l’horizon de surface (van Oort et al., 2016, 2017a), ce nouveau volet du projet de valorisation du dispositif des 42 parcelles de l’Inra de Versailles présente les effets d’apports continus de matières fertilisantes à l’échelle du solum, pour une dizaine de traitements : ammoniacaux, engrais-Na et/ou K, phosphatés, CaCO$_3$, fumier et témoins. Pour chaque traitement, les profils de teneur en éléments (0-120 cm) ont été comparés avec le bilan 1929-2014 en surface (0-25 cm), afin de raisonner la pertinence d’études des impacts d’activités anthropiques, restreintes à l’horizon de surface. En l’absence de végétation, 85 ans de traitements ont profondément marqué les sols : l’engrais ammoniacal provoque une forte baisse du pH, la décalcification et une forte aluminisation, parfois jusqu’à 1 m. Sous traitements alcalinisants, le pH est ≥ 8 et la CEC est quasi-saturée en Ca sur toute la profondeur. L’apport d’engrais sodiques et/ou potassiques peut affecter le complexe d’échange jusque dans le matériau parental ; les allures des profils de teneurs en argile évoluent de valeurs minimales en surface pour devenir maximales dans l’horizon BT, traduisant ainsi l’effet d’amplification du lessivage d’argile par les engrais Na/K.Quant aux éléments en trace métalliques (ETM), leurs profils de concentration corroborent en général les hypothèses de transfert en profondeur, formulées à partir des bilans géochimiques établis en surface (van Oort et al., 2017a) : i) accumulations distinctes de Cd, Mn et Co sous engrais ammoniacaux, et de Mo sous apport de CaCO$_3$, ii) allures analogues de profils de concentration en Fe, Sc et Tl et celle des teneurs en argile sous apport d’engrais Na et K, iii) allures de profils de concentration évoluant rapidement de valeurs minimales à maximales entre la surface et l’horizon BT pour Mg et Ni dans les traitements ‘acides’ et ‘monovalents’, confirmant leur mobilisation à la fois sous l’effet du pH et par lessivage. Cependant, sous apport de fumier, le profil de concentration de Mo témoigne de sa forte accumulation en profondeur, non-visible par le bilan Mo en surface ; sous scories, malgré un bilan positif de Mo en surface, l’ampleur de son accumulation en profondeur surprend. Quant au Cd, les apports par les scories ou le superphosphate restent confinés en surface. Par contre, sous apport de (NH$_4$)$_2$HPO$_4$, environ 2,6 kg/ha de Cd sont transférés en profondeur. Une telle quantité équivaut à la totalité de Cd apporté par l’engrais en 85 ans. Dans le traitement (NH$_4$)$_2$SO$_4$, la quasi-totalité du fond pédogéochimique local en Cd a été exportée des 50 premiers cm du sol et transférée entre 70 et 100 cm.Ce travail atteste des aspects originaux et spectaculaires d’impacts cumulés au cours de la fertilisation prolongée sur la composition des sols, sous l’horizon de bêchage. Il souligne l’intérêt de considérer le solum pour une évaluation optimale des risques liés aux activités anthropiques. Dès lors, nos résultats appellent à d’avantage d’expertise en pédologie dans les programmes de recherches environnementales, qui se limitent aujourd’hui trop souvent à des approches analytiques sur des échantillons collectés en surface des sols.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 27 May 2020
[hal-01795991] Centennial fertilization-induced soil processes control contemporary soil geochemistry. Lessons from a long-term bare fallow experiment
Centennial fertilization-induced soil processes control contemporary soil geochemistry. Lessons from a long-term bare fallow experiment. 14èmes Journées d'Etudes des Sols
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 18 May 2018
[hal-04236772] Comment développer un suivi de la biodiversité des sols français en s’appuyant sur le Réseau de Mesures de la Qualité des Sols (RMQS) ?
Pour répondre au besoin de connaissances sur la biodiversité des sols, nous explorons la possibilité d’adosser un suivi de la biodiversité des sols au Réseau de Mesures de la Qualité des Sols (RMQS). Ce couplage a pour objectif de bénéficier du caractère opérationnel du RMQS et de croiser les informations sur la biodiversité avec les données déjà disponibles sur les sols. Des mesures de biodiversité sont d’ailleurs déjà effectuées sur les sites du RMQS. Un groupe de travail incluant des experts nationaux a conçu un questionnaire pour évaluer la compatibilité du plan d’échantillonnage du RMQS avec la surveillance de la biodiversité des sols et définir les caractéristiques de ce nouveau suivi (taxons et fonctions à suivre, protocoles, besoins matériels, humains et financiers). Ces mêmes experts ont ensuite répondu au questionnaire et les informations collectées ont été complétées lors d’entretiens individuels. Les avancées du projet ont été validées en réunions plénières. Au sortir de ces réflexions, il a été conclu que le plan d’échantillonnage du RMQS (maille de 16 km x 16 km, site d’étude de 400 m2, ré-échantillonnage de chaque site tous les 15 ans) convenait à un suivi de la biodiversité des sols. Cependant, les experts écologues ont mis en avant la nécessité d’effectuer l’échantillonnage de la mésofaune et de la macrofaune au printemps. Ils recommandent cinq protocoles qui permettent de suivre les micro-organismes, la microfaune, la mésofaune et la macrofaune du sol. Une mesure de la flore a aussi été intégrée avec le suivi de la banque de graines. Trois fonctions (macroporosité du sol due à l’activité des vers de terre, activités enzymatiques et dégradation de la matière organique) seraient également mesurées. Si le RMQS-Biodiversité est mis en place de manière pérenne et déployé sur les 2240 sites métropolitains, il devrait permettre de documenter de manière robuste la biogéographie des organismes du sol, de décrypter leurs liens avec les pratiques agricoles et possiblement la découverte de nouvelles espèces. Une réflexion complémentaire devra être engagée pour les sites ultra-marins.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Camille Imbert) 11 Oct 2023
[hal-04062785] Can long-term fertilization accelerate pedogenesis? Depicting soil processes boosted by annual NPK-inputs since 1928 on bare loess Luvisol (INRAE-Versailles)
Human activities worldwide menace beneficial soil ecosystem services, but long-term anthropogenic impacts on soil properties and processes are often difficult to assess in field conditions. Here we exploited INRAE's patrimonial '42-plots' bare-fallow experiment, an unique long term experiment in the world created in 1928 in Versailles (France), to emphasize long-term impacts of annual inputs of NPK fertilizers (ammonium, phosphate, potassium salts) and basic amendments (lime, basic slag) on loess Luvisols. We selected plots receiving monovalent (Na+, K+), acid (NH4+), basic (Ca2+) and non-amended (reference) plots, thus embracing the today widely diverging physicochemical surface soils conditions. Temporal changes of soil characteristics were studied on historical archived topsoil samples, whereas soil-depth impacts were studied on samples from subsurface horizons collected in 2015 until 120-cm depth. Bare-fallow management caused a rapid organic matter (OM) decay, soil acidification, CEC reduction and lixiviation of cations. With reduced OM-buffering capacities, specific fertilizer-induced physicochemical conditions enhanced the development of several soil-forming processes. NH(4)fertilizers amplified soil acidification (pH < 4), lixiviation (i.e. 1.5 kg m 2 of Ca), aluminization of the exchange complex, and weathering of ferromagnesian minerals and plagioclase feldspars. Under (NH4)(2)HPO4 fertilization, a quasi-total dissolution of chlorite and hornblende occurred, pointing to an acidocomplexolysis process in which the PO43- anion likely plays the role of complexing organic acids in Podzols. Ammonium fertilizers also affected E, B and C horizons. In reference plots, similar but lower effects remained restricted to the surface horizon. Na/Kfertilizers favoured substantial clay translocation (i.e. 10-15 kg m(-2)) from the Ap to underlying E and E/Bt horizons. Liming amendments counteracted acidifying effects of OM-depletion, and raised the pH to 8-8.5 and exchangeable Ca to >95%. It may be clear that the initial design specifications do not allow a direct comparison with current conditions of agricultural soils. However, in the view of global climate change, foreseeing a lowering of organic carbon contents in soils, the 42-plots trial acts like an "alert launcher", forecasting risks of soil degradation with respect to mineral soil phases, parameters and processes, generally buffered and masked by the presence of organic matter. The 42-plots experiment forms a high-valued playing field for experimental research, offering a unique centennial time-span of differing physicochemical properties in a soil context with close initial pedogenetic connexion.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 22 Jul 2024
[hal-03206056] A new, simple, efficient and robust multi-residue method based on pressurised-liquid extraction of agricultural soils to analyze pesticides by liquid chromatography coupled with a high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Giovanni Caria) 27 Feb 2023
[hal-01687885] Dernières nouvelles de 42 vieilles parcelles. Indicateurs d’évolutions pédologiques infra-centenaires en Néoluvisol de lœss nu, sous contrainte d’applications continues
Ce travail présente un bilan des impacts de 85 ans d’apports d’engrais chimiques N, P, K, d’amendements basiques et organiques sur la composition et les propriétés d’un Néoluvisol de loess, en comparaison à des situations témoins sans apport. Cette expérimentation de longue durée est menée depuis 1928 en sol nu dans le dispositif des 42 parcelles à l’Inra de Versailles. Le bilan repose sur les résultats analytiques d’échantillons collectés en 2014 dans l’ensemble des horizons de surface. Les résultats sont confrontés à des données disponibles du sol initial de 1928. L’objectif est de préciser la nature et l’ampleur des évolutions physicochimiques, induites en moins d’un siècle, et d’identifier les processus pédologiques qui en sont à l’origine. En absence d’entrée de matières organiques (MO), de forts contrastes s’observent en fonction de la nature des apports minéraux, mais aussi dans les parcelles témoins : en 2014, d’une parcelle à une autre, l’écart maximal de pH est de 5,3 unités (3,5-8,8) et la CEC varie de 5,2 à 14,4 cmol+/kg. La garniture cationique varie de plus de 98 % de Ca échangeable dans les sols chaulés, à plus de 96 % d’Al échangeable dans les sols acides. Le carbone organique a perdu 50 à 75 % de la valeur initiale en 1928, et les teneurs en argile s’étendent entre 13 et 20 %. Des teneurs significatives de Mnéch s’observent dans les sols denses, alors que Feéch est détectable prioritairement dans les sols acides. Par contre, sous amendement de fumier, l’ambiance physicochimique est très différente, notamment par l’abondance de C organique (43-50 g/kg) et une forte valeur de la CEC, supérieure à 22 cmol+/kg. La nature, l’ampleur et la diversité des propriétés physicochimiques enregistrés dans les horizons de surface des sols des 42 parcelles en 2014 témoignent de différents processus pédologiques en jeu, actuels ou dans le passé. Dans les sols témoins, sous la seule contrainte de la minéralisation progressive des MO et des conditions atmosphériques, les propriétés et la composition ont considérablement changé : une acidification de 1-1,5 unités de pH, la lixiviation d’une proportion notable de cations bivalents et l’apparition de quantités significatives d’Al échangeable sur le complexe d’échange, une baisse de la CEC et une perte d’argile de 2 à 3 %. La migration d’argile, l’argilluviation, processus caractéristique dans les luvisols, apparaît amplifiée sous traitements ‘monovalents’, notamment sous apport de Na où la perte d’argile par lessivage peut atteindre jusqu’à 5 à 6 %. Sous apport de K, la perte d’argile est moindre, liée à un processus d’illitisation des particules de smectite par rétrogradation du K. De plus, les apports de phosphate naturel ou de superphosphate semblent également favoriser la migration d’argile, alors que les amendements basiques et de fumier limitent, voire stoppent le processus. Dans les traitements ‘acides’, sous apports d’engrais ammoniacaux ou de sang desséché, les cations échangeables initiaux (Ca, Mg, K, Na) ont été quasi-totalement lixiviés, et remplacés par l’Al. La forte aluminisation du milieu implique un processus de dissolution minérale, affectant en premier lieu les argiles fines (smectites). Les faibles valeurs de la CEC illustrent la perte notable de charges fixes liée à la dissolution partielle des smectites. Néanmoins, l’impact de l’altération en milieu acide sur la granulométrie apparait négligeable, car la teneur en argile dans les sols acides reste inchangée par rapport à 1929. Deux pistes sont envisagées pour expliquer ce constat : un processus de microdivision par l’altération de minéraux phyllosilicatés de taille limoneuse fine et leur transformation en particules argileuses, ou alors un processus de néoformation de phases secondaires à partir de Si, Al et/ou Fe libérés par dissolution d’argiles fines en milieu acide. Enfin, un processus d’agrégation à l’échelle des particules d’argile par le développement de liaisons fortes entre les particules d’argile et des phosphates-Al (ou –Fe) formés en milieu très acide est suspecté dans les sols sous phosphate d’ammoniaque conduisant à la sous-estimation de la fraction < 2 μm lors d’analyses granulométriques courantes. La palette très étendue de propriétés physicochimiques des horizons de surface dans les 42 parcelles souligne un laps de temps court en pédologie pour leurs changements, d’ordre infra-centenaire. Pour assimiler ces changements opérés en surface au développement de processus pédologiques, il est nécessaire à la fois de suivre l’ampleur et la chronologie des évolutions par l’analyse d’échantillons de la collection historique et d’étendre l’étude des impacts aux horizons E, BT, et C profonds. Ces travaux sont actuellement en cours.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 18 Jan 2018
[hal-04676523] Assessment of the radionuclide remediation potential of novel Miscanthus hybrids
There are few studies related to the radionuclide remediation options, which comply to the demands of the environmentally non-destructive physical remediation methods. So far, most of the research was conducted on the phytoremediation capacity of different energy crops, as well as the established miscanthus hybrids which involved metal and heavy metal contaminants. Hence, the objective of this research was the radioecological characterization of the examined agroecosystem, including the initial source of the radionuclides (soil) as well as different miscanthus hybrids grown on the same soil. The results have shown that the radioactive content of soil was similar to the global averages. All measurements of the activity concentration of 137Cs in miscanthus samples were below the detection limits. There is also an indication that 210Pb is leaching into the lower layers (or is being taken up by miscanthus plant from the upper layers). Moreover, transfer factors (TFs) for radionuclides, as a more precise parameter for evaluating the phytoremediation potential, were calculated; the TFs were found to be very low for 226Ra (≤0.07), TFs for 40K (≤0.39) and for 232Th (≤0.21) were in the lower limits, whereas the TFs for 238U were found to be the highest (≤0.92). For 210Pb, the TFs were not calculated, since the expectation was that a significant part of the measured quantity came from the air, and not through the soil. Having in mind the sustainability and the circularity aspect of the radionuclide phytoremediation system, the appropriate management method should be applied for the disposal and utilization of the biomass contaminated with radionuclides. This research has shown that the radiological content in miscanthus is high enough and the ash content is low enough that miscanthus ash could be considered as a NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material), and it can be further used for the construction industry (i.e. concrete, tiles), in mixtures with other materials with certain limitations, similar to the utilization of ash from other sources such as coal or wood.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Vanja Jurišić) 23 Aug 2024
[hal-03362911] A new, simple, efficient and robust multi-residue method based on pressurized-liquid extraction of agricultural soils to analyze pesticides by liquid chromatography coupled with a high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Giovanni Caria) 02 Oct 2021
[hal-03818090] PIEGEAge des Composés Halogénés Lipophiles Organiques Rémanents (PIEGEACHLOR)
Le projet Piegeachlor s'est donné pour objectif de réduire la disponibilité des plusieurs familles de contaminants organochlorés retrouvés dans les sols. Les contaminants étudiés sont les polychlorobiphényles, les polychloro-dibenzodioxines et furanes, ainsi que la chlordécone. L'hypothèse initiale du projet était que des matrices carbonées issues de pyrolyse de ligneux telles que des biochars pouvaient jouer un rôle de séquestration. Les propriétés de séquestration ont été testées en mobilisant plusieurs méthodologies. La première est basée sur une approche in vitro, qualifiant la disponibilité environnementale. Elle simule la capacité d'un milieu aqueux à désorber les polluants. Les autres utilisaient un biote cible (ver, radis, courgette, poule) pour déterminer la biodisponibilité relative de chacun des contaminants en fonction de la matrice carbonée utilisée. Ces approches ont été appliquées d'abord sur des sols artificiels de type OCDE avec de la tourbe comme matière organique endogène. Après une sélection des matrices carbonées les plus performantes en termes de séquestration, une partie des tests précédemment décrits a été appliquée sur des sols naturels prélevés en métropole (Saint-Cyprien) et en Martinique (Morne-Rouge, Trinité), respectivement contaminé en PCB+PCDD/F et en CLD. Des essais d'innocuité de l'amendement ont également été menés.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Giovanni Caria) 17 Oct 2022
[hal-02800370] PLATINAAE, an analytical platform for your research in environmental chemistry
Ecotoxicological studies need high quality measurements of chemical contamination within all the compartments (physicochemical and biological) of the environment. In consequence, analytical laboratories must produce traceable analytical data, with high level of confidence, in numerous complex matrices. PLATINAAE (PLATeforme d’INgéniérie Analytique pour l’Agriculture et l’Environnement) is the central platform for analytical chemistry of INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) mainly dedicated to plant and soil analysis. This platform is supported by two laboratories located at Arras (LAS) and Bordeaux (USRAVE). Both are equipped with high-performance instrumentation and are accredited according to the standard ISO 17025. In USRAVE, PLATINAAE works mainly on plants. It is capable of preparing and analyzing all parts of a plant (fruits, stems, roots, leaves, needles, wood...), and all types of plants (trees, cereals, grasses, fruits and vegetables...). The analyses concern the major elements essential to plant growth (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium...), and trace elements, especially metallic trace elements with direct effects on the environment or health (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury...). In the LAS, PLATINAAE performs measurements on soils. The analysis done in this unit concern pedoagronomic analysis (pH, particle size distribution, P, K, Ca, Mg, organic matter…), environmental analysis for metals (Cd, Pb, Hg, As…) and also for organic polluants (pesticides, herbicides, dioxins, PCB, PAH…). The determinations may be done as total content or as bioavailable content. PLATINAAE works essentially as a partner for research programs. The main themes investigated are environmental contamination, biogeochemical cycle of elements in various ecosystems (crops, lands, forests...), soil quality, food chain or plant physiology. PLATINAAE performs also analyses on living organisms (invertebrates…) and wastes (sludge, compost…). In these scopes, the platform participates to numerous programs for environmental observation and experimentation, such as the ICOS Ecosystem program, the European program Biosoil, the RMQS network, RENECOFOR (monitoring of French forests)… PLATINAEE develops also innovative methods in analytical chemistry according to the needs of its partners (samples of very small sizes, trace and ultra-trace elements such as lanthanides or PGEs, mapping of plant organs…).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Masson) 05 Jun 2020
[hal-01771810] Centennial Fertilization-Induced Soil Processes Control Trace Metal Dynamics. Lessons from a Long-Term Bare Fallow Experiment
Long-term bare fallow (LTBF) experiments with historical sample archives offer unique opportunities to study long-term impacts of anthropogenic activities on mineral soil fractions. In natural agro- and ecosystems, such impacts are often masked by organic matter due to its buffering action and rapid turnover. The 42-plot LTBF trial of INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) started in Versailles (France) in 1928 to assess the impacts of prolonged application of fertilizers and amendments on the composition and properties of loamy soils. Here, we established geochemical budgets of major and trace elements on surface samples from 1929 and 2014 for four groups of treatments relevant for developed soil processes. We considered accompanying effects of soil compaction or decompaction due to changing physicochemical conditions over 85 years. Element losses from the surface horizon were quantified via fertilization-induced or -amplified soil processes: clay leaching favored by Na- or K-based fertilization, and lixiviation of major and trace elements in acidic or alkaline soil conditions. Enhanced mineral weathering was shown for acidified and nonamended plots. Conclusions on trace metal migration were confirmed by selected analyses on subsurface horizons. Additional information was provided on specific element inputs via fertilizers and/or diffuse inputs via atmospheric deposition.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 19 Apr 2018
[hal-01604178] Platinaae : plateforme d’ingénieurie en chimie analytique au service de vos recherches
Les recherches en écotoxicologie nécessitent aujourd’hui une détermination juste et précise des contaminants chimiques présents à l’état de traces dans des échantillons environnementaux, qu’ils soient physico-chimiques ou biologiques. Dans ce but, les laboratoires d’analyse sont sollicités pour produire des mesures de qualité sur des matrices variées (eaux, sols, plantes, organismes, produits résiduaires organiques…). PLATINAAE est la plateforme d’analyses chimiques de référence de l’INRA pour les sols, les plantes et plus généralement l’environnement. Cette plateforme est constituée de deux laboratoires : Le Laboratoire d’Analyses des Sols (LAS) situé à Arras et l’Unité de Service en Analyses Végétales et Environnementales (USRAVE) située à Bordeaux. Ces deux unités disposent d’un parc instrumental de haut niveau et sont accréditées par le COFRAC selon la norme ISO 17025. PLATINAAE analyse les éléments toxiques ou potentiellement toxiques (par exemple As, Cd, Hg, Pb…) dans les matrices environnementales et biologiques, ainsi que les polluants organiques (pesticides, herbicides, dioxines, PCB, HAP…) essentiellement dans les sols. La plateforme dispose également d’une offre concernant les paramètres pédo-agronomiques (pH, matière organique, éléments majeurs, granulométrie…). PLATINAAE travaille comme partenaire dans différents programmes de recherches nationaux et internationaux dont les thèmes sont liés à la contamination de l’environnement, le cycle biogéochimique des éléments, la qualité des sols ou la sécurité alimentaire. Parmi ces programmes de recherches figurent les projets européens ICOS et Biosoil, les observatoires de l’environnement nationaux tels que les SOEREs, le Réseau de Mesure de la Qualité des Sols ou le réseau RENECOFOR de surveillance des forêts. PLATINAAE développe des méthodes de chimie analytique innovantes en fonctions des besoins de ses partenaires (analyse de très petits échantillons, éléments en ultra traces, cartographie d’organes végétaux…). Ainsi, la plateforme s’est impliquée dans l’analyse de 9 ETM (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Tl et Zn) et de 8 éléments majeurs (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na et P) dans 650 échantillons de fractions subcellulaires de vers de terre Aporrectodea caliginosa. Les vers avaient été exposés aux ETM dans 31 sols agricoles présentant un gradient naturel de contamination et des caractéristiques pédogéochimiques contrastées. La méthode développée visait des analytes en faible concentration (de l’ordre du µg/l) dans les matrices biologiques. Les résultats ont permis d’étudier la relation entre disponibilité environnementale des ETM et compartimentation dans les vers, puis entre les concentrations en ETM dans les fractions subcellulaires des vers et l’expression des biomarqueurs enzymatiques. Ils ont conduit à une meilleure compréhension de la biodisponibilité des éléments traces pour les vers de terre et de l'impact en retour de leur activité sur la disponibilité des polluants dans les sols agricoles.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Annie Guérin) 03 Jun 2020
[hal-01795989] Centennial fertilization-induced soil processes control contemporary soil geochemistry. Lessons from a long-term bare fallow experiment
Centennial fertilization-induced soil processes control contemporary soil geochemistry. Lessons from a long-term bare fallow experiment. Rothamsted Research Work shop: “The Future of Long-Term Experiments in agricultural science”
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 18 May 2018
[hal-01901469] Trace metal availability in soil horizons amended with various urban waste composts during 17 years – Monitoring and modelling
Trace metal availability in soil horizons amended with various urban waste composts during 17 years – Monitoring and modelling
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Philippe Cambier) 22 Oct 2018
[halshs-02955803] La collection historique d’échantillons de sols de l’essai patrimonial des ‘42 parcelles’ (INRAE, Versailles) : une machine à remonter le temps...
A la suite de travaux précédents sur les états pédogéochimiques, les bilans géochimiques et les impacts de la fertilisation dans les horizons profonds du NEOLUVISOL de lœss du dispositif des 42 parcelles d’INRAE (van Oort et al., 2016, 2017, 2020), nous examinons ici des aspects chronologiques d’évolutions intervenues en surface des sols depuis 1928. Pour cela, des séries d’une quinzaine d’échantillons de la collection historique ont été analysées pour une dizaine de traitements représentatifs : engrais à effet acidifiant (sulfate et phosphate d’ammonium), engrais à effet dispersant (nitrate de sodium, sylvinite, chlorure de potassium), superphosphate, amendements à effet alcalinisant (scories de déphosphoration, carbonate de calcium), fumier de cheval, ainsi que deux parcelles témoins’, sans apport. Nous abordons l’évolution temporelle i) des paramètres édaphiques : teneur en carbone organique et en argile, pH, CEC et garniture cationique ; ii) des teneurs totales en éléments majeurs et en trace ; iii), de la composition minéralogique de fractions argileuses et limoneuses, notamment dans le cas des traitements acidifiants. Les résultats, nombreux et souvent originaux, permettent d’apprécier l’ampleur des évolutions durant les 9 décennies d’expérimentation. Par rapport aux résultats antérieurs sur les impacts en profondeur, ces données contribuent à retracer des parties complémentaires d’une même histoire d’évolution, contrainte par les différents traitements de fertilisation. Vu sous un angle pédologique, le dispositif des 42 parcelles œuvre comme un « pédotron » en conditions réelles, mettant en évidence une accélération des processus d’évolution du sol limoneux selon différentes voies de la pédogenèse, en fonction de la nature des matières fertilisantes apportées.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 03 Jan 2024
[hal-03321776] A new, simple, efficient and robust multi-residue method based on pressurized-liquid extraction of agricultural soils to analyze pesticides by liquid chromatography coupled with a high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Background: The latest generation of liquid chromatograph coupled to high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) now competes with quadrupole tandem spectrometers (LC-MS-MS) in terms of sensitivity and speed. In addition, it is possible to obtain additional information retrospectively on the organic composition of the analyzed soil. Due to the exponential increase of the storage capacities of computer hard drives and the speed of electronic processing of computer data, it is all the more possible to recover all of the data generated during the analysis of a soil extract. Objective: The LC-QTOF-MS currently has an essential and primordial advantage; which is the entire transmission of the ions produced in the ionization source towards the mass spectrometer. This original feature opens the way to a probable full exploration of the organic composition of the soils. Methods: A new method for the analysis of pesticides in agricultural soils by using liquid chromatography coupled with a high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LC-QTOF-MS) has been developed. Results: Twenty-four pesticides including herbicides, insecticides or fungicides have been studied. The linearity of the external calibration of the pesticides obtained from levels of concentration ranging from 0.010 to 400 μg/L gives satisfactory results with the correlation coefficients higher than 0.99. The quantification limits of the equipment range from 0.010 to 1.250 μg/L and correspond to the lowest standard in the calibration range for which the residual deviation is less than 60%. An experimental design has been used to optimize the parameters of pressurized-liquid extraction (PLE) of pesticides in soils. The optimized conditions have been found by using methanol as extraction solvent at a temperature of 80°C, a pressure of 150 Bars and 2 extraction cycles of 5 minutes. The mean recoveries of pesticides (Mean) are higher than 72% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) less than 21%. These results demonstrate the good efficiency of PLE for the extraction of pesticides in agricultural soils of different nature. The LC-QTOF-MS is a sensitive, linear and robust instrument for the quantification of pesticides in unpurified soils extracts by external calibration. This analytical tool is not subjected to matrix effects of soil extracts.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Giovanni Caria) 17 Mar 2023
[hal-03354473] Développement de méthodes de screening ciblé et non ciblé de composés traces organiques dans les sols à l’aide de la chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un spectromètre de masse à haute résolution et à temps de vol
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Giovanni Caria) 25 Sep 2021
[hal-01651297] Arsenic et vieilles parcelles
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Folkert van Oort) 28 Nov 2017
[hal-00829418] Assessing the in situ bioavailability of trace elements to snails using accumulation kinetics.
In this study, the accumulation kinetics of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and antimony(Sb) were determined for 3 industrially impacted sites to assess the bioavailability of these contaminantsto the garden snail (Cantareus aspersus). Mono and multivariate regressions allowed the identificationof cation exchange capacity (CEC), silts and organic carbon content as the soil parameters modulatingthe in situ bioavailability of Cd and Pb. For all elements, the total concentrations in the soils were notgood predictor (not significant correlation) of the bioavailability to snails. The Cd, As and Sb assimilationfluxes were correlated with the calcium chloride (CaCl2) extract concentrations, but this correlationwas not observed with Pb. The total soil concentration coupled with soil properties best explained thevariation in Pb assimilation, whereas their influences on Cd bioavailability were lower, signifying thatother parameters such as contamination sources may modulate Cd bioavailability. Here, the As and Sbin situ accumulation kinetics are described for the first time and highlighted a slight bioavailability tosnails at the studied sites. The absence of a correlation between the As or Sb assimilation fluxes andtotal metals in the soil coupled with the absence of influence of soil properties on their bioavailabilitymay result from the speciation of these metalloids, which are known to modulate their mobility in soils.This study highlights the need to consider both physico-chemical and biological aspects of metal andmetalloid bioavailability to assess the risk of metal transfer from soil to organisms.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Benjamin Pauget) 03 Jun 2013
[hal-00755525] Earthworm indicators as tools for soil monitoring, characterization and risk assessment. An example from the national Bioindicator programme (France)
Considering the limited number of bioindicators available to assess soil quality, a national research programme was set up in France to develop such indicators (2006-2012), the "Bioindicator" programme. This programme tested 47 biological parameters (i.e. microorganisms, fauna, flora) including earthworms, in several sites differing in terms of land use, contamination type - PAHs or metals - and pollution levels. The present study proposes some study objectives for bioindicator approaches, based on the earthworm results from the programme. Therefore, different earthworm descriptors were tested at the community level (e.g. abundance, biomass, species and functional structures, and ecological traits) as well as the organism level (i.e. measuring the metallothionein coding gene expression level in earthworms). The present results, obtained from the programme's spring 2009 sampling campaign, discriminated among the different descriptors and showed that earthworm and endogeic abundance as well as the individual weight of endogeics seem to be good indicators in non-contaminated (cultivated) sites, while the ecological structure, namely the proportion of anecic vs. endogeic species, and the proportion of non-vulnerable species should be used as indicators of contaminated soils. Furthermore, the first results obtained for Lumbricus terrestris and L. rubellus rubellus are encouraging as they show that metallothionein expression increases in metal-contaminated soils. The relevance of these descriptors, which have to be considered in study objectives, requires the analysis of 2010 results.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Guénola Pérès) 29 May 2020
[hal-02503457] Do climate and land use affect the pool of total silicon concentration? A digital soil mapping approach of French topsoils
Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust after O. Its concentration in soils is highly variable from <1% to greater than 45%. Parent material is well known to be a major parameter for explaining this variability. In this study, we proposed to analyze the impact of climate and land use on the total Si concentration in soils and to explore the link between total Si and plant available Si (PAS). To do so, we based our analysis on the French soil monitoring network considering the upper soil horizon that was thought to be the most impacted by both the effect of land use and climate and was also the most important horizon in terms of plant availability. In order to extract the impact of climate and land use and for digital mapping purposes, we stratified the database by parent material and soil-types. This stratification was based on the classification used in the 1:100,000 French soil map and 1:100,000 French soil parent material map. For non carbonated soils, we showed that Si concentrations was decreasing with annual rainfall, evidencing a climatic effect on the total Si concentration of French topsoils. No significant effect of the land used could be identified. At last, we showed that PAS (by the CaCl2 method) is negatively weakly correlated to total Si concentration. This relationship is however variable among soil classes.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Amélia Landré) 10 Mar 2020
[hal-03556753] Rôle du silicium dans la culture du blé en France : biodisponibilité, bioaccumulation et effet sur les rendements
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jean-Dominique Meunier) 04 Feb 2022
[hal-02663490] Prélèvement, préservation et prétraitement des échantillons
Cet article a pour objet de décrire les différentes étapes de traitement de l’échantillon prélevé sur le terrain et destiné à l’analyse. Des éléments de réflexions, des alertes sur les risques de pertes ou de contamination encouru lors des étapes de conditionnement, transport, stockage, division, séchage, broyage, conservation sont donnés. Les analytes considérés sont les composés organiques et les éléments minéraux pour des matrices environnementales (sols, végétaux, solutions, déchets).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mireille Barbaste) 02 Sep 2024
[hal-01655127] Radial metal concentration profiles in trees growing on highly contaminated soils
The soil around Metaleurop, a big smelter, is heavily contaminated by Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu. In order to compare the impact of different soil amendments on the metal availability to trees, the polluted soil section was divided in a reference parcel and two others with either sulfo-calcic or silico-aluminous ash amendments. Five different tree species were planted on the parcels and the uptake of heavy metals in these trees was studied. Total and labile metal fractions were assessed in each of the 3 parcels. The mobility and assimilation of the metals was highest in the non-amended, reference soil parcel which had the lowest pH, organic matter and carbonate content. In all soils, pH decreased while organic matter content and mobility of the metals increased over time. Highest bulk concentrations of trace metals were found in white willow trees (Salix alba L). Laser ablation-ICPMS was used to study changes in metal accumulation over a period of 10 years after planting the trees. The radial metal profiles in the trunk core samples varied between elements and tree species, however, in all willow trees the radial Cd and Zn profiles were significantly correlated. Radial pollutant concentration patterns are discussed in terms. of seasonal effects, health status, tree species and metal mobility in the soil. For Cd and Zn, the profiles were influenced by their mobility in the soils. In general, periodical patterns were observed for Pb. Cu concentration profiles were decreasing over time, with the strongest decrease in the initial growth period.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre-Jean Superville) 04 Dec 2017
[hal-01000802] Spatial distribution of lindane concentration in topsoil across France
Lindane [gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)] is an organochlorine pesticide with toxic effects on humans. It is bioaccumulative and can remain in soils for long periods, and although its use for crop spraying was banned in France in 1998, it is possible that residues from before this time remain in the soil. The RMQS soil monitoring network consists of soil samples from 2200 sites on a 16 km regular grid across France, collected between 2002 and 2009. We use 726 measurements of the Lindane concentration in these samples to (i) investigate the main explanatory factors for its spatial distribution across France, and (ii) map this distribution. Geostatistics provides an appropriate framework to analyze our spatial dataset, though two issues regarding the data are worth special consideration: first, the harmonization of two subsets of the data (which were analyzed using different measurement processes), and second, the large proportion of data from one of these subsets that fell below a limit of quantification. We deal with these issues using recent methodological developments in geostatistics. Results demonstrate the importance of land use and rainfall for explaining part of the variability of Lindane across France: land use due to the past direct input of Lindane on cropland and its subsequent persistence in the soil, and rainfall due to the re-deposition of volatilized Lindane. Maps show the concentrations to be generally largest in the north and northwest of France, areas of more intensive agricultural land. We also compare levels to some contamination thresholds taken from the literature, and present maps showing the probability of Lindane concentrations exceeding these thresholds across France. These maps could be used as guidelines for deciding which areas require further sampling before some possible remediation strategy could be applied. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Thomas T. Orton) 04 Jun 2014
[hal-01192212] Which persistent organic pollutants can we map in soil using a large spacing systematic soil monitoring design? A case study in Northern France
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) impact upon human and animal health and the wider environment. It is important to determine where POPs are found and the spatial pattern of POP variation. The concentrations of 90 molecules which are members of four families of POPs and two families of herbicides were measured within a region of Northern France as part of the French National Soil Monitoring Network (RMQS: Réseau de Mesures de la Qualité des Sols). We also gather information on five covariates (elevation, soil organic carbon content, road density, land cover and population density) which might influence POP concentrations. The study region contains 105 RMQS observation sites arranged on a regular square grid with spacing of 16 km. The observations include hot-spots at sites of POP application, smaller concentrations where POPs have been dispersed and observations less than the limit of quantification (LOQ) where the soil has not been impacted by POPs. Fifty nine of the molecules were detected at less than 50 sites and hence the data were unsuitable for spatial analyses. We represent the variation of the remaining 31 molecules by various linear mixed models which can include fixed effects (i.e. linear relationships between the molecule concentrations and covariates) and spatially correlated random effects. The best model for each molecule is selected by the Akaike Information Criterion. For nine of the molecules, spatial correlation is evident and hence they can potentially be mapped. For four of these molecules, the spatial correlation cannot be wholly explained by fixed effects. It appears that these molecules have been transported away from their application sites and are now dispersed across the study region with the largest concentrations found in a heavily populated depression. More complicated statistical models and sampling designs are required to explain the distribution of the less dispersed molecules.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Estelle Villanneau) 02 Sep 2015
[hal-01019435] Dealing with below quantification limit data in geostatistical analyses
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Thomas Orton) 07 Jul 2014
[hal-02972232] Thallium in French agrosystems—I. Thallium contents in arable soils
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (A. Tremel) 20 Oct 2020
[hal-02759868] Comparison of three chemical extraction methods for assessing the availability of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn to winter wheat
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Thibault Sterckeman) 04 Jun 2020
[hal-02770855] Trace elements uptake by wheat grains depending on soil types (QUASAR programme)
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Denis Baize) 04 Jun 2020
[hal-02698755] Thallium in french agrosystems. 1. Thallium contents in arable soils
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anne Tremel) 01 Jun 2020
[hal-02772016] Preliminary investigation on thallium in soils in France
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anne Tremel) 04 Jun 2020
[hal-02676607] Phytodisponibilité des éléments traces métalliques dans les grains de blé
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Denis Baize) 31 May 2020
[hal-04719699] Technical note: A validated correction method to quantify organic and inorganic carbon in soils using Rock-Eval® thermal analysis
Soils contain large amounts of carbon stored as organic carbon and carbonates. These carbon pools can contribute to climate regulation and are of primary importance in ensuring proper soil functioning. However, their accurate quantification remains a complex task. Rock-Eval ® thermal analysis has emerged as an alternative to classic dry combustion and wet methods due to its ability to simultaneously provide organic and inorganic carbon measurements on the same subsample. However, it has been observed that Rock-Eval ® systematically underestimates the soil organic carbon (SOC) while overestimating the soil inorganic carbon (SIC). In this technical note, we propose a validated correction of both SOC and SIC based on a machine-learning model and using a diverse dataset of 240 soil samples. We show that the proposed correction significantly increases the accuracy of the Rock-Eval ® method when compared to reference SOC and SIC values and applied to the dataset used for training and testing and that it can be successfully applied to data originating from different Rock-Eval ® machines without changing the routine analytical protocol. The transferability of the model allows for its future implementation in the Geoworks software so that Rock-Eval ® machines can routinely provide accurate SIC and SOC measurements.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marija Stojanova) 03 Oct 2024
[hal-04736442] Loiret, Meung-sur-Loire, ZAC Synergie Val-de-Loire, les Bouillants et la Maison Neuve : De l'établissement aristocratique laténien à l'exploitation rurale antique : rapport de fouille
L’opération de fouille préventive de Meung-sur-Loire (Loiret) est liée à l’implantation d’une plateforme logistique au sein de la Zac Synergie Val-de-Loire aux lieux-dits La Maison Neuve et Les Bouillants. Le projet s’étend sur deux zones distinctes. Au nord la Zone A au lieu-dit La Maison Neuve. Au sud la Zone B au lieu-dit Les Bouillants . Le secteur avait été largement diagnostiqué (12,6%) en 2015 par le Service d’Archéologie Préventive du Conseil Départemental du Loiret. La fouille est la quatrième effectuée sur cette zone auxquelles s’ajoutent sept opérations de diagnostic, offrant ainsi la possibilité de mieux caractériser la nature et l’étendue des différents vestiges mis au jour, ainsi que leurs éventuels rapports chronologiques.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jean-Philippe Gay) 15 Oct 2024
[hal-02822313] Fate of organic pollutants after sewage sludge spreading on agricultural soils: a 30-years field-scale recording
Toxic organic compounds, such as the surfactants linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) and nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPE), Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and residues derived from plastics (PAE-phthalates) end up in sewage sludge. In order to evaluate and quantify the potential environmental risks associated with the xenobiotic introduction into biological life cycle, the EU BIOWASTE project (QLK5-CT-2002-01138) devotes one task to the study of the fate of xenobiotic in a sandy soil after sludge spreading on a 30-year field-scale record experiment. Experimental maize crop fields from Bordeaux (France) have been amended with 100 tons per hectare each 2 years from 1974 to 1992. From 1992 to 2004, the fields were maintained and cropped with maize. This experiment shows that the concentration fluctuations in the sludge amended soil follow the same pattern of those in the sewage sludge showing that there is a real impact of the present xenobiotics in the sewage sludge on the concentration of the xenobiotics in the soil. Nonetheless, 12 years after the last addition of sewage sludge, the residual concentrations remain from 2 to 10 times higher than the content of the control soil, even though these levels are inferior to the Predicted Non Effect Concentration (PNEC). Only LAS level went back to the level in the control soil. However, only the LAS concentration is above the PNEC during all the experiment due to the very high level of LAS in the sludge (20 g/kg dry weight). These results show that even though this compound is much more degradable than NPE and PAE, it may have a long term effect in soil if high quantities are spread. To conclude, this study underlines the importance to fix maximum level for xenobiotic compounds for sewage sludge spreading on agricultural land, and also the central role of the sewage sludge processes in reducing the xenobiotic concentrations before spreading.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Dominique Patureau) 06 Jun 2020
[hal-02657473] Fate of organic pollutants after sewage sludge spreading on agricultural soils: a 30-years field-scale recording
Toxic organic compounds, such as the surfactants linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) and nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPE), Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and residues derived from plastics (PAE-phthalates) end up in sewage sludge. In order to evaluate and quantify the potential environmental risks associated with the xenobiotic introduction into biological life cycle, the EU BIOWASTE project (QLK5-CT-2002-01138) devotes one task to the study of the fate of xenobiotic in a sandy soil after sludge spreading on a 30-year field-scale record experiment. Experimental maize crop fields from Bordeaux (France) have been amended with 100 tons per hectare each 2 years from 1974 to 1992. From 1992 to 2004, the fields were maintained and cropped with maize. This experiment shows that the concentration fluctuations in the sludge amended soil follow the same pattern of those in the sewage sludge showing that there is a real impact of the present xenobiotics in the sewage sludge on the concentration of the xenobiotics in the soil. Nonetheless, 12 years after the last addition of sewage sludge, the residual concentrations remain from 2 to 10 times higher than the content of the control soil, even though these levels are inferior to the Predicted Non Effect Concentration (PNEC). Only LAS level went back to the level in the control soil. However, only the LAS concentration is above the PNEC during all the experiment due to the very high level of LAS in the sludge (20 g/kg dry weight). These results show that even though this compound is much more degradable than NPE and PAE, it may have a long term effect in soil if high quantities are spread. To conclude, this study underlines the importance to fix maximum level for xenobiotic compounds for sewage sludge spreading on agricultural land, and also the central role of the sewage sludge processes in reducing the xenobiotic concentrations before spreading.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Dominique Patureau) 30 May 2020
[hal-01818267] Amendment of soil by biochars and activated carbons to reduce chlordecone bioavailability in piglets
Chlordecone (Kepone or CLD) is a highly persistent pesticide formerly used in French West Indies. Nowadays high levels of this pesticide are still found in soils which represent a subsequent source of contamination for outdoor-reared animals. In that context, sequestering matrices like biochars or activated carbons (ACs) are believed to efficiently decrease the bioavailability of such compounds when added to contaminated soils. The present study intends to test the respective efficiency of soil amendment strategies using commercial ACs or biochars (obtained by a 500°C or 700°C pyrolysis of 4 distinct type of wood). This study involved three experimental steps. The first one characterized specific surface areas of biochars and ACs. The second one assessed CLD-availability of contaminated artificial soils (50 µg.g-1 of Dry Matter) amended with 5% of biochar or AC (mass basis). The third one assessed CLD bioavailability of those artificial soils through an in vivo assay. To limit ethically the number of animals, selections of the most promising media were performed between each experimental steps. Forty four castrated male 40-day-old piglets were exposed during 10 day to amended artificial soils according their group (n=4). Only treatment groups exposed through amended soil with AC presented a significant decrease of concentrations of CLD in liver and adipose tissue in comparison with the control group (p<0.001). A non-significant decrease was obtained by amending artificial soil with biochars. This decrease was particularly high for a coconut shell activated carbon were relative bioavailability was found lower than 3.2% for both tissues. This study leads to conclude that AC introduced in CLD contaminated soil should strongly reduce CLD bioavailability.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Matthieu Delannoy) 10 Mar 2022
[hal-02842168] Les éléments traces métalliques et la qualité des sols. Impact à moyen et à long terme
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Chassin) 07 Jun 2020
[hal-04658071] First glance of french soil contamination by pesticide residues and the need for broad-scale monitoring
The intensive use of pesticides in modern agriculture raised concerns about their environmental fate and impacts on the ecosystems. If the monitoring of those substances in water bodies has been established in Europe since the 2000’s, knowledge of soil contamination by such residues is scarce. However, the few studies addressing this issue pointed out the widespread occurrence of pesticides in soils and the risk they can pose for soil biodiversity. This study investigated 111 currently used pesticides in 47 soils sampled across France, mostly from arable lands but also from forest and grasslands theoretically exempted of pesticides applications. The sampling strategy was based on the French Soil Quality Monitoring Network to evaluate the feasibility of using an existing network for pesticides monitoring in soils. The results demonstrated the widespread contamination of almost all soils samples by residues, including untreated areas such as forests and permanent grasslands. Up to 33 different substances in one soil sample were detected, at concentrations leading to a medium to high ecotoxicological risk for earthworms in arable lands. Several frequently detected residues have never been reported in the literature so far or were found at much lower detection rates. Finally, the comparison with pesticide application records provided by the farmers revealed the unexpected presence of some substance in sites where they were not applied and a longer than expected persistence of several compounds. These findings question the fate of currently used pesticides in the environment under current agricultural practices and advocate for the monitoring of pesticides in soils at broad scales. Filling the knowledge gap of pesticide presence in soil is necessary to understand the contamination of other environmental compartments and prevent their contamination. Therefore, there is a clear need to integrate pesticide analysis in national soil monitoring programs to evaluate contamination levels, which will be conducted in France. This monitoring will include both target and non-target analyses to identify all the potential molecules in soil.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Claire Froger) 22 Jul 2024
[hal-04412728] Projet Phytosol Résidus de pesticides dans les sols français : présence, risques et persistance
À la différence de ce qui est fait pour les milieux aquatiques et l'atmosphère, la surveillance de la contamination des sols par les pesticides n'existe pas à l'échelle du territoire. Or, des travaux récents de chercheurs INRAE, en collaboration avec l'université de Bordeaux, montrent qu'un grand nombre de substances, en quantité importante, y persistent sous forme de résidus. Des résultats parus dans la revue Environmental Science & Technology.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Claire Froger) 26 Jan 2024