Laboratoire d'Analyses des Sols d'Arras


Revues de vulgarisations :

  • Une tranche d'histoire de l'analyse des sols 1975-2006 :

Une tranche d'histoire de l'analyse des sols 1975-2006

  • Les cahiers techniques de l'INRA, 59, 5-16.


Épandage de boues d'épuration urbaines sur des terres agricoles : Impact sur la composition en éléments traces des sols et des grains de blé tendre.
  • Courrier de l'Environnement de l'INRA, 53, 35-61 : Baize, D., Courbe, C., Suc, O., Schwartz, C., Tercé, M., Bispo, A., Sterckeman, T., Ciesielski, H. (2006). Epandage de boues d'épuration urbaines sur des terres agricoles : Impact sur la composition en éléments traces des sols et des grains de blé tendre.

Périodiques à comités de lecture :

Années : 2021  2020  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2011  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  1999  1998  1997  1996


  • Giovanni Caria, Nicolas Proix, Christian Mougin, Baghdad Ouddane & Sopheak Net (2021): A new, simple, efficient and robust multi-residue method based on pressurised-liquid extraction of agricultural soils to analyze pesticides by liquid chromatography coupled with a high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2021.1889531

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  • Bernard G.Barthès, Ernest Kouakoua, Patrice Coll, Michaël Clairotte, Patricia Moulin, Nicolas P.A. Saby, Edith Le Cadre, Amandine Etayo, Tiphaine Chevallier, Improvement in spectral library-based quantification of soil properties using representative spiking and local calibration – The case of soil inorganic carbon prediction by mid-infrared spectroscopy, Geoderma, Vol. 369, Article 114272


  • Prediction of total silicon concentrations in French soils using pedotransfer functions from mid-infrared spectrum and pedological attributes, LANDRE, A., Saby, N. P. A., Barthès, B. G., Ratié, C., Guérin, A., Etayo, A., Minasny, B., Bardy, M., Meunier, J.-D., Cornu, S. Geoderma, 2018, 331 : 70-80.
  • Amendment of soil by biochars and activated carbons to reduce chlordecone bioavailability in piglets ; Delannoy, M., Yehya, S., Techer, D., Razafitianamaharavo, A., Richard, A., Caria, G., Baroudi, M., Montargès-Pelletier, E., Rychen, G., Feidt, C. Chemosphere, 2018, 210 : 486-494.
  • Centennial Fertilization-Induced Soil Processes Control Trace Metal Dynamics. Lessons from a Long-Term Bare Fallow Experiment, van Oort, F., Paradelo, R., Proix, N., Delarue, G., Baize, D., Monna, F. Soil Systems, 2018, 2 (2) : 23.


  • P.J. Superville, N. de Winter, Anh Tuan Phung, N. Proix, W. Baeyens, Y. Gao, Radial metal concentration profiles in trees growing on highly contaminated soils, Chemosphere, 172 (2017) 80-88.
  • D. Dumoulin, G. Billon, N. Proix, H. Frerot, M. Pauwels, P. Saumitou-Laprade, Impact of a zinc processing factory on surrounding surficial soil contamination, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 172 (2017) 142-150.
  • F. Van Oort, R. Paradelo, N. Proix, S. Breuil, G. Delarue, A. Trouve, D. Baize, F. Monna, A. Richard, Arsenic et vieilles parcelles, Etude et Gestion des Sols, 24 (2017) 99-126.


  • Tlili, I; Caria, G; Ouddane, B; Ghorbel-Abid, I; Ternane, R; Trabelsi-Ayadi, M; Net, S (2016), Simultaneous detection of antibiotics and other drug residues in the dissolved and particulate phases of water by an off-line SPE combined with on-line SPE-LC-MS/MS: Method development and application,in "SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT", vol.563, pages 424-433.
  • Bidar, G; Waterlot, C; Verdin, A; Proix, N; Courcot, D; Detriche, S; Fourrier, H; Richard, A; Douay, F (2016), Sustainability of an in situ aided phytostabilisation on highly contaminated soils using fly ashes: Effects on the vertical distribution of physicochemical parameters and trace elements, in "JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT", vol.171, pages 204-216.
  • Van Oort, F; Proix, N; Paradelo, R; Delarue, G; Breuil, S; Baize, D; Richard, A (2016), Dernières nouvelles de 42 vieilles parcelles. 1- Indicateurs d’évolutions pédologiques infra-centenaires en Néoluvisol de loess nu, sous contrainte d’applications continues de matières fertilisantes. Etude et Gestion des Sols, vol.23, pages 143-162.


  • A.Pelfrêne, C. Waterlot, A. Guérin, N. Proix, A. Richard, F. Douay, Use of an in vitro dogestion method to estimate human bioaccessibility of Cd in vegetables grown in smelter-impacted soils: the influence of cooking, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 37 (2015) 767-778.
  • L. Beaumelle, F. Gimbert, M. Hedde, A. Guerin, I. Lamy, Subcellular partitioning of metals in Aporrectodea caliginosa along a gradient of metal exposure in 31 field-contaminated soils, Science of the total environment, 520 (2015) 136-145.


  • C. Morel, N. Ziadi, A. Messiga, G. Belanger, P. Denoroy, B. Jeangros, C. Louany, J.C. Fardeau, A. Mollier, L.E. Parent, N. Proix, L. Rabeharisoa, S. Sinaj, Modeling of phosphorus dynamics in contrasting agroecosystems using long-term field experiments, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2014, 94: 377-387.
  • P. Evrard, Réalisation d'un montage spécial et adapté sur un duo de compresseurs d'air, Cahier des Techniques de l’INRA, 81 (2014).


  • G. Caria, D. Arrouays, E. Dubromel, C. Jolivet, C. Ratié, M. Bernoux, B.G. Barthès, D. Brunet, C. Grinand, Black carbon estimation in French calcareous soils using chemo-thermal oxidation method. Soil Use and Management, September 2011, 27, 333-339.


  • E Villanneau, NPA Saby, D Arrouays, CC Jolivet, L Boulonne, G Caria, E Barriuso, A Bispo, O Briand (2009), Spatial distribution of lindane in topsoil of Northern France, Chemosphere, 77, 9, 1249-55
  • R. El-Motaium, M.E.-S. Hashim AND G. Caria (2009), Fate and Behavior of Toxic Organic Pollutants in Plant, Soil and Irradiated Sewage Sludge,in "The Role of Ecological Chemistry in Pollution Research and Sustainable Development" editeur Springer Netherlands, pages 209-219. 


  • H. Ciesielski, T. Sterckeman, J-Y. Baliteau, G. Caria, V. Goutier, J-P Willery (2008) Evolution du pH et de la CEC de sols du Nord de la France en function des doses de chaulage (CaCO3). Influence du carbone organique. Etude et Gestion des Sols, volume 15, 3,161-170.
  • H. Ciesielski, J.-C. Fischer, A. Guérin-Lebourg, N. Proix, C. Gabelle (2008) Influence du pH des sols sur les fractions d’éléments traces extraites ou diffusées; Etude et Gestion des Sols, volume 15, 4, 225-239.


  • Boughriet, A ; Proix, N ; Billon, G ;Recourt, P ;Ouddane, B. (2007). Environmental impacts of heavy metal discharges from a smelter in Deule-canal sediments (Northern France):Concentration levels and chemical fractionation. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2007, 180 (1-4):83-95. 
  • Ciesielski, H., Guerin, A., Proix, N.(2007). Effets du pH sur l'extraction des éléments traces métalliques dans les sols. Etude et Gestion des Sols, 14, 1, 7-30. 
  • T. Sterckeman, F. Douay, D. Baize, H. fourrier, N Proix, et C Schvartz (2007). Référentiel Pédo-Géochimique du Nord-Pas de Calais Méthode et principaux résultats. Etude et Gestion des Sols, volume 14,2,153 à 168
  • A.Boughriet, P. Recourt, N. Proix, G. Billon, M. Leermakers, J-C. Fischer and B. Ouddane (2007). Fractionation of anthropogenic lead and zinc in Deûle river sediments: Environmental Chemistry 4(2) 114-122. Résumé
  • F. Douay, C. Pruvost, H. Roussel, H. Ciesielski, H. Fourrier, N. Proix, C. Waterlot (2007). Contamination of urban soils in the area of Northern France polluted by dust emissions of two smelters: Water Air and Soil Pollution 188 (1-4) 247-260. 


  • T Sterckeman, F Douay, D Baize, H Fourrier, N Proix, C Schvartz, and J Carignan (2006). Trace element distributions in soils developed in loess deposits from Northern France.European Journal of Soil Science, 57,392-410. 
  • T Sterckeman, F Douay, D Baize, H Fourrier, N Proix, C Schvartz (2006). Trace element in soil developed in sedimentary material in northern France. Geoderma, 136,912-929. 
  • Cornu S., Salvador-Blanes S., Hardy M., Clozel B., Crouzet C., Proix N., Guerin A., (2006).Location of trace elements in unpolluted soils by a combined method. Communications in soil and Plant Analysis, 37 (7&8), 1077-1101. 
  • Cornu, S., Cousin, I., Deschatrettes, V., Saby, N., Salvador-Blanes, S., Crouzet, C., Guérin, A., Clozel, B. (2006). Consequences of aggregation for the trace element distribution in the subsoil of Planosol naturally rich in trace metal. Geoderma, 136, 160-173. 


  • Lichtfouse, E., Sappin-Didier, V., Denaix, L., Caria, G., Metzger, L., Amellal-Nasser, N., Schmidt, J. (2005). A 25-year record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils amended with sewage sludges. Environ. Chem. Letters, 3, 140-144. 
  • G. Billon, B Ouddane, N Proix, J Déshormières, Y Abdelnour, A Boughriet: Distribution coefficient and redox behaviour of Uranium in Authie Bay (France)(2005). Intern J. Environ anal chem, vol 85, 14. Résumé


  • Sterckeman,T.; Douay,F.; Baize,D.; Fourrier,H.; Proix,N.; Schvartz,C. (2004). Factors affecting trace element concentrations in soils developed on recent marine deposits from northern France. Applied Geochemistry, 19, 89-103. 


  • S. Martin, D. Baize, M. Bonneau, R. Chaussod, H. Ciesielski, J.-P. Gaultier, P. Lavelle, J.-P. Legros, A. Leprêtre et T. Sterckeman . (1999). "Le suivi de la qualité des sols en France, la contribution de l'Observatoire de la Qualité des Sols", Etude et Gestion des Sols, vol 6, n°3 215-230. 


  • Lebourg, A., Sterckeman, T., Ciesielski, H., Proix, N. (1998). Trace metal speciation in three unbuffered salt solutions used to assess their bioavailability in soil. Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, 584-590. 
  • Lebourg, A., Sterckeman, T., Ciesielski, H., Proix, N., Gomez A. (1998). Estimation of soil trace metal bioavailability using unbuffered salt solutions : degree of saturation of polluted soil extracts. Environmental Technology, 19, 243-252. 


  • Ciesielski, H., Sterckeman, T. (1997). Determination of cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations in soils by means of cobalt hexamine trichloride. Effects of experimental conditions. agronomie, 17, 1-7.
  • Ciesielski, H., Sterckeman, T. (1997). A comparison between three methods for the determination of cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations in soils. agronomie, 17, 9-16.
  • Ciesielski, H., Proix, N., Sterckeman, T. (1997). Détermination des incertitudes liées à une méthode de mise en solution des sols et sédiments par étude interlaboratoire. Analusis, 25, 188-192.
  • Tremel, A., Masson, P., Sterckeman, T., Baize, D., Mench, M. (1997). Thallium in French agrosystems - I. Thallium contents in arable soils. Environmental Pollution, 95, 293-302. 


  • Sterckeman, T., Gomez, A., Ciesielski, H. (1996). Soil and waste analysis for environmental risk assessment in France. The Science of the Total Environment, 178, 63-69. 
  • Lebourg, A., Sterckeman, T., Ciesielski, H., Proix, N. (1996). Intérêt de différents réactifs d'extraction chimique pour l'évaluation de la biodisponibilité des métaux en traces du sol. agronomie, 16, 201-215.
  • Sterckeman, T., Lebeau, S., Paul, R., Proix, N. (1996). Evaluation et suivi de la pollution atmosphérique fluorée dans une région d'agriculture péri-urbaine. Agrosol, 9, 58-68.